Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years

Happy New Years! I am excited for this year, because I have a feeling that this year is going to be great. 
I am always amazing on New Years, when I think about everything that happened in that previous year, and how different things can be. I hope everyone has a great start to their new year, and I hope that 2012 is the best year of all!
A big thank you to all my followers, readers, and blogging friends! I cannot wait to experience the next year with you!

Any New Year Resolutions?
What books are you looking forward to, now that it is officially 2012!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to read more 'new' books. Usually I'll hear about some great new book, put it on my to-read list, and then not get back to it for years. For instance, last week I finally got around to reading The Luxe, which is old news (and has three sequels.)

Actually, the only new release I read this year was Wither, and only because an author friend sent me her copy.

I've decided that needs to change. Now.

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