Monday, February 4, 2013

Follower Love Giveaway Hop!

Welcome to my giveaway stop for the Follow Love Giveaway Hop!!
I thought it would be fun and I love giving my awesome followers something to show how much I appreciate them!

What is up for grabs this time around??
Book of Your Choice from Book Depository!
That means this is an International Giveaway as long as Book Depository ships to you!
Keep those wishlist handy and Enter on the Rafflecopter form below!
Most of all THANK YOU for being one of my Followers!

Make sure to continue on the hop with the Linky List below!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for stopping by Unabridged Bookshelf!


Unknown said...

I am drawn to a blog when I can feel the blogger's love and passion for books.

Thanks, girly!

Arianne said...

If I know the blogger interacts and have actual conversations with their followers. That's what my favorite blogger does :) Even if I don't really relate to the posts she does, I still comment sometimes when I find the time.

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! What draws me to a blog is good and honest book reviews.

Unknown said...

interaction, friendly, useful information and of course the giveaways :)

NatasaLikes said...

Interaction, friendliness from the blogger and usually some humor in any review; if it's funny the more likely I'll visit again :)

Naga said...

I'm drawn to blogs that talk about books I like or that I'm planning to read :)

Unknown said...

I'm drawn to blogs about YA novels and friendly giveaways :)

Unknown said...

Interesting posts, reviews, recipes, crafts and giveaways!

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

Books into movies updates, giveaways, book reviews.

thanks for the giveaway! :)

-Riz B.

Simona said...

Giveaways, book reviews the style:). Thanks for the giveaway!:*

Swordlily said...

Review of books I think I might like to read, blog appearance, giveaways :)
Karina V

Unknown said...

Interesting articles and similar tastes in books as well as lots of giveaways.

miki said...

The personnality of the blogger and teh quality of the reviews
i also appreciate when she/he thinks about the international followers too ( thank you for doing it!)

Unknown said...

I love interesting reviews, a sense of humour, interesting articles...
Thanks for the giveaway.

Leannessf said...

Giveaways and the author interviews!


Meghan said...

I would say giveaways and a good review of a book I like!

laurie said...

I love interesting reviews, a sense of humour, interesting articles...
Thanks for the giveaway.

Shan said...

Honest book reviews.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Rita Wray said...

I like book reviews and author interviews.


CK said...

The reviews and the giveaways. :)

Jillyn said...

Giveaways and reviews.

Thanks for the giveaway.

marian said...

reviews and giveaways

Unknown said...

Good articles and humor. And if it's a reviewing site then if I see that they have the same taste as I do in books.

seagullsandsemantics said...

totally honest, giveaways draw me in. what makes me stay? solid reviews with humor when it can be given and more giveaways.

Holly said...

I love the author's blogs. And good reviews that are also filled with humor. :)

Chantelle said...

For me, it's about honest reviews that I understand and tend to agree with and great recommendations that I end up liking, that keeps me revisiting blogs.

Anonymous said...

Great book reviews and giveaways!

Kirsten! said...

An interesting voice and tastes similar to mine

Unknown said...

Th reviews, the photos, and the giveaways. :)

elin said...

author interviews:D

Rima said...

Similar book tastes, interesting and unique articles and lots of recommendations! :)

Aline Tobing said...

Awesome reviews and giveaways! :D

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Good reviews that are different


raffle name: Nikki O

Ashfa said...

Reviews and giveaways!

LadyVampire2u said...

I like a blog that reads and reviews the same books I love. That can tell me about upcoming releases I dont know about yet and authors I haven't tried. A blog that has a bit humor mixed in with serious thoughts about books. Giveaways are a nice draw but its the blogger herself who captures my attention in their words.

Anonymous said...

Awesome reviews and a lots of cover reveals.
I also like a good graphic look and some giveaways ^_^

Unknown said...

Honest reviews, humor, cover photos, and giveaways.

Filia Oktarina said...

Review, post new books and giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Definitely reviews + author interviews! I LOVE blogs that interview authors. As a writer myself I find it very interesting

Tiffany Drew said...

Helpful reviews and awesome giveaways!

susan1215 said...

Reviews of products that would interest me, giveaways, posts that interest me

precious said...

I wouldn't deny that it's the giveaways! :) Also, featuring upcoming releases and reviews with humor.

Anonymous said...

honest review and giveaway

ChaDanielle said...

Giveaway and review! :)

Sarah Perry said...

Honest, quality reviews, funny posts, giveaways, recipes :)
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

CindyWindy2003 said...

i love the giveaways, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Unknown said...

Good reviews and giveaways

Unknown said...

The giveaways and the reviews. :)

Sarah.S said...

Fun posts, reviews and giveaways :)

Ashfa said...

Reviews and giveaways.

Lynn K. said...

The reviews! Especially for bloggers that have similar reading tastes to mine.

The Cover Contessa said...

Awesome posts, like interviews and reviews. Giveaways, of course!

Unknown said...

Revies of ARCs and giveaways:)

Mimi Smith said...

Reviews, Interviews and Giveaways!

Unknown said...

Mostly videos that bloggers post. That and reviews of a select few. :D

Anonymous said...

Reviews and interviews

DoingDewey said...

I have to like their review style, probably not too long and not too much time spent on a synopsis, and they cant' do more than a meme or two a week.

Maria Malaveci said...

Reviews and Giveaways!

magic5905 said...

Good reviews that I agree with and giveaways.

J Whitus said...

Consistently interesting blog post, not just reviews. Good giveaways

Cassandra said...

Humorous things, similar likes, and just the good nature of the blogger :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

Giveaways and interesting posts...if I really enjoy what the blogger is posting I will come back.

Suz said...

Giveaways get me there and interesting posts/reviews keep me coming back! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

Suz Reads

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

Great interviews, giveaways, reviews and if they visit me back. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Kristia said...

The reviews and the giveaways :) Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Giveaways, interviews, spotlighting books etc. Thanks for the chance!

ellepaulette said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

GFC – Dani

ellepaulette (@) gmail (.) com

Unknown said...

Giveaways and interesting reviews!

The More the Merrier said...

I like when blogs have interesting discussions. Those tend to grab my attention.

Unknown said...

giveaways, author interviews, book review
thanks :)


Vicky CK said...

Draws me- honestly, giveaways.
Keeps me coming back- good reviews, interactive author interviews; funny &/or insightful stuff.
Everyone has cover revels, book excerpts, standard reviews, short q & a interviews, etc. I like the sites with a little something different. We all have limited time and there are too many blogs out there to visit all of them (even to read all the emails from all of them if we are honest).
Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'd say the giveaways draw me here. But I'd like to check your blog more. Currently enjoying reading your ya book reviews. :)

ArtemisG said...

Honestly the blog design. I want it simple. I hate the dark colours and the many many picture.
Honest reviews and interesting articles.
Thank you for the giveaway!

Grace T. Lindo said...

their reviews, and giveaways. I also like blogs that look neat and clean. :D

Debora B said...

Good reviews, news about new books and cool giveaways :)

Texas Book Lover said...

Similar taste in books and great posts

Stephanie said...

Lots of giveaways and similar book tastes so that I will be interested in their reviews.

Tracy said...

Great reviews, and easy layout.
Tracy Awalt Juliano

Unknown said...

Great content and good giveaways! Thanks!

A'lina said...

Similiar tasts in books, reviews and pre-release posts so I can add to my wishlist ;) Giveaways are awesome too. Thanks so much for the chance!

Unknown said...

Regular posts and giveaways, similar book taste!
Thanks! ;)

Dovile said...

I come through giveaways usually and subscribe to posts if the blog similar to my taste and interests in books.

Bidisha Banerjee said...

Honest reviews and Giveaways attract me most to a blog.

Anonymous said...

Original posts and givweaways ^^


mk said...

Giveaways and Reviews of new books, books I haven't seen before.. Thanks for the great giveaway!

*Jam* said...

When the blogger has the same taste as mine for books.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Veronika said...

I like reading the reviews and author interviews!

Juana said...

Book reviews and giveaways.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

LisaILJ said...

I look at most posts via my reader, so it's not just one thing, it's what post is towards the top when I have time to go through my reader.

Armando Read said...

I really love that a blog has a great design because my view is better, and sure, books reviews.

Megan Parsons said...

great reviews and giveaways!

Unknown said...

Contents and good book reviews :)

Bewitched reader said...

What brings me back to a blog is if that blog does reviews on the genre of books I read. Also, win I win a contest on the blog and they send me an email saying I won and I write back and they write me back saying something really kind, that hooks me completely. I love to hear from the blogger and joke around with them after a contest win. It shows me a little more about that blogger. And I guess just keeping up on the new releases and letting me know what you the blogger are looking forward to reading. That's all I can think of right now, plus I don't want to put you all to sleep with my babbling! lol
Thank you for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

the giveaways :)

Unknown said...

the layout (that is, my eyes are comfortable enough) and the giveaways. :D

Sherry said...

The reviews and giveaways will always draw me to a blog.

Fe said...

Book reviews - I am always on a lookout for interesting books to read.

Stacy said...

The reviews! I also love giveaways though.

Isa said...

I realize design is what draws me to a blog and content keeps me subscriber, if I like the articles or reviews being posted. Thank you. :)

Audrey18 said...

I love giveaways and books... these are the reasons why I am here XD

Audrey18 said...

You can contact me at

Alexju said...

Ususally content and the design of the blog, also giveaways. Thank you for the giveaway!

wcs53 said...

I come back for good reviews, ease of navigation, and bloggers who interact with their readers.

Unknown said...

interesting reviews :)

Cassandra! :D said...

It probably sounds horrible, but I love the giveaways :)

Unknown said...

Thank u!

VampedChik said...

Good book reviews and great giveaways!

oriana said...

The reviews, and the giveaways of course, !

myboo63 said...

the reviews and give aways. i'm always finding new authors and books by visiting the blogs. thank you

deanna_boocock said...

Great reviews on YA books

Di said...

I like a blog that shows interesting books and presents things in a clean & clear way.

Dani F. said...

Good reviews. I like to know what people think about book i might buy

Debby said...

Reviews, giveaways and a nicely designed site.

thank you for the giveaway!


celina k said...

Reviews on books that I am interested in: Well written, short and to the point, with a sense of humor and no sugar coating. And giveaways - have to be honest :)

dreammie_angel at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

New content and Giveaways!

Kamla L. said...

Reviews, author interviews, excerpts, buzz regarding upcoming books, fun and games, and of course giveaways.

Melisa said...

Interesting posts ;-)

BrittanyUtley said...

Reviews, Cover releases, Upcoming books, and Giveaways!

Jeanz xx said...

Interesting honest reviews and cover reveals too

AEKZ2 said...

I love the honest opinions and giveways

Lis Carcamo said...

The reviews and the design!

Unknown said...

Interesting reviews

deasuluna said...

Similar taste in books and great reviews!

Jolene and Family said...

I'm drawn to a blog when the blogger has similar tastes to my own, introduces me to new authors and books, has great interactions with their followers and has not just reviews that I agree on, but interesting reviews and reviews that can sometimes push me in either direction

Steph said...

The reviews (as long as they are books I like too), funny commentary/writing, and interesting features like interviews!

Shani said...

Giveaways and reviews

Ruth said...

good reviews, giveaways, and personal stories.

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