Q: What is your superhero alter-ego?
I would have to say while there are a lot of superheros to chose from, I just cannot decided on just one. So I decided to go a different route, and pick an alter-ego that kicks some butt. She may not technically be a superhero, but I think my alter-ego would be Claire Redfield. She kicks major zombie butt, and looks good doing it. She shows up in Raccoon city trying to find her missing brother, during a giant zombie outbreak. I really loved all the Resident Evil games growing up, and Claire is just awesome. In the event of a zombie Apocalypse I would like to be able to take care of my family just like Claire.

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Claire Redfield is by far the best character in Resident Evil! Just sayin! lol! Awesome answer! Old follower here : )
A great answer!
My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com/2011/10/feature-and-follow-friday-21st-october.html
Have a nice weekend.
Very good answer. Claire is tough, smart and takes care of business. Excellent answer. Come visit me and see what I chose over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love.
Claire is hot!! Wicked cool blog btw :) Thanks for stopping by for FF ;)
I can't believe I haven't seen Resident Evil yet! I've heard some crazy cool things about it, and that you'd substitute being Claire for a superhero must mean it has a pretty awesome cast! :)
Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm following you back for sure!
Hope you have an amazing weekend!
Awesome alter-ego pick! I'm lovin your blog, I followed back:)
If someone kicks zombie butt, I call them a superhero! Fun choice, thanks for stopping by my FF feature this week! Book Savvy Babe
A very unique choice! I love kick butt characters. :) Thanks for the follow, following back!
That totally counts as a superhero - good choice!
My F&FF Post
Definitely a super-hero. Thanks for stopping by Better Read Than Dead.
Honestly, I think Dazzler and Jubilee may be the same person. Dazzler was from the actual comic books and you know how they change everything. I had to google for an answer. LOL.
Returned your follow and I absolutely love you blog. Beautiful.
My Follow Friday
Awesome choice. Thanks for stopping by.
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Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick
Claire sounds totally kick-A. Awesome! Thanks for stopping by!
That's awesome. :) Why not be a little different? Claire looks like she'd be a great alter-ego.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I'm following back now!
Paper Cuts
Great answer! Happy #FF
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Chapter by Chapter
I've only seen the movies but I have to agree!
Wonder Woman
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Hopping through. I'd be embarrassed to tell people I was from Raccoon City. But then again, I went to the University of Minnesota - home of the mighty Gophers.
My Hop
This is by far the best answer! I love those games too! Wish I'd thought of her :-)
Thanks for following! Following you back!
Resident Evil , Claire great choice! Hubby Loves Resident Evil and so do my sons.
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